Vic Firth SDW Signature Dave Weckl
Barrel tip for broad cymbal sound. Fast, with great leverage. In wood or nylon tip.
Vic Firth SDW2 Signature Dave Weckl Evolution
A short tear drop tip on a 5A shaft. Provides superior cymbal definition with excellent rebound. In wood or nylon tip.
Vic Firth SJM Signature Jojo Mayer
Light and fast with a piccolo tip for pinpoint articulation on cymbals.
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Vic Firth SMT Signature Mike Terrana
Produces a big sound, even at breathtaking speed. With a barrel tip for clear and concise cymbal sound.
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Vic Firth SPE Signature Peter Erskine
Light and fast with a piccolo tip for pinpoint articulation on cymbals.
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Vic Firth SPE3 Signature Peter Erskine Big Band
Combines the shaft dimensions of a 5A and 5B with a long taper for effortless rebound.
Vic Firth SS-SJD
BACCHETTE PER BATTERIA JACK DEJOHNETTE SIGNATURE Bacchette 5A punta in legno Jack Dejohnette Disponibile
Vic Firth SSS Signature Steve Smith
Elongated tip with a long shoulder and short taper. Provides the feel of a 5A with the beef of a 5B.
Vic Firth STL Signature Thomas Lang
A large shaft and oversized tear drop tip speak loudly and clearly. Designed to produce a thunderous sound!
Vic Firth SZ Signature Zoro
A large shaft and oversized tear drop tip speak loudly and clearly. Designed to produce a thunderous sound!
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Vic Firth UPT Tappi per bacchette
Le punte in gomma Vic Firth UPT – Universal Practice Tips (2 Pairs per Bag) sono punte in gomma che si adattano praticamente a tutte le bacchette da marcia distribuite in 2 paia per pacchetto.
Ottimo per esercitarsi e creare timbri interessanti su batteria e piatti.
Vic Firth X5B Extreme 5B
BACCHETTE PER BATTERIA Bacchette in noce americano con punta a goccia, simili alle 5B ma con più potenza. Disponibile
Wincent W5A Natural
5A. For light and fast playing. Well balanced. The most sold model. UWP Protected (Unique Wax Protection)
Wincent W5A-CB Black Finish
5ACB. Black finish. This is the same stick as a Standard 5A Hickory but black. For you that want to have a visual effect or simply another type of grip. The grip will be better as warmer you are getting in your hands.
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Wincent W5A-CW White Finish
5ACW. White finish. This is the same stick as a Standard 5A Hickory but white. For you that want to have a visual effect or simply another type of grip. The grip will be better as warmer you are getting in your hands.
Wincent W5A-XL Natural
5A XL. Similar to 5A but longer and deliveres more power and has a greater reach. UWP Protected (Unique Wax Protection)